AG2R La Mondiale, Caisse d’Epargne Rhône Alpes et MEDICALPS s’associent pour une soirée Med4Age
MEDICALPSLe 1er Juin, au siège de Caisse d'Epargne Rhône Alpes s'est déroulé une soirée exceptionnelle pour mettre en avant 3 lauréats de l'Appel à Projet Med4Age soutenue AG2R La Mondiale. Ce fut une opportunité pour échanger et découvrir…

Première édition de la Biotech Community Day in the Alps à Medytec
MEDICALPS & CIC Lyonnaise de Banque se sont associés pour organiser la première édition du Biotech Community Day in the Alps à Medytec, le 27 avril 2023.
Cette journée fut l'opportunité de rassembler les acteurs de…

BIOTEM implements new industrial unit dedicated to development and production of immunoassays
Members, MEDICALPSPRESS RELEASE - June, 20, 2022 - Apprieu (Grenoble)
Leader in development of high-quality custom antibodies, BIOTEM is boosting expertise in immunoassays and increasing kit production capacity tenfold
Project partly supported…

As SYNTHELIS and PEACCEL have signed a strategic partnership to offer their clients a one-stop shop combining Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cell-Free lead expression for accelerated drug discovery
Members, MEDICALPSPRESS RELEASE - 12th April 2022- La Tronche
As of 12th April 2022, PEACCEL and SYNTHELIS combine their know-how and thus capitalize on their respective technologies in developing a joint offer, to respond to the needs of their customers…

Microlight 3D releases new range of resins for 3D microprinting
Members, MEDICALPSPRESS RELEASE - June 14th- Grenoble
Eight new resins widen scope for mechanical meta-materials and life sciences researchers to 3D print, at micro scale, complex objects with novel properties
Grenoble, France, June 14, 2022 – Microlight3D,…

FDA Grants Breakthrough Device Designation to Remedee Labs for its groundbreaking endorphin stimulation solution for the management of Fibromyalgia
Members, MEDICALPSParis – May 12, 2022 – On World Fibromyalgia Awareness Day (May 12), the French startup Remedee Labs is announcing that the FDA has granted Breakthrough Device Designation to its endorphin stimulator for fibromyalgia patients. The FDA’s…

CEA: a key player in the field of Organ-on-Chip
Members, MEDICALPSOn February 23rd and 24st, 2022, the plenary meeting for the structuring of the OoC sector in France was held in Paris, organized by BioValley France (BVF), Institut Curie/IPGG and the CEA-IRIG (Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble)…

EVEON is accelerating its development for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies and patient treatment adherence
Members, MEDICALPSGrenoble, March 8, 2022 – EVEON, designer and manufacturer of medical devices for the preparation and delivery of drugs, made numerous project achievements in 2021 in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies. It looks like another promising…

IMABGEN Project, an innovative platform in immunotherapies
Members, MEDICALPSLyon, December 16, 2021
The IMABGEN Platform project, an innovative service for the generation of therapeutic antibodies carried by BIOTEM, CALIXAR and the CNRS / Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, is one of the laureates of the ‘‘R&D…

Microlight3D marks fifth anniversary and reinforces team
MEDICALPS, MembersCompany keeps pace with increased sales and deliveries of new 3D microprinting equipment with recruitment in development, manufacturing and sales
Grenoble, France, December 2, 2021 – Microlight3D, a specialty manufacturer of high-resolution…